QN Signals

QNA -- Answer in prearranged order.

 QNB -- Act as relay Between ..... and .....

 QNC -- All net stations Copy. I have a message for all net stations.

 QND -- Net is Directed (controlled by net control station).

 QNE -- Entire net stand by.

 QNF -- Net is Free (not controlled).

 QNG -- Take over as net control station.

 QNH -- Your net frequency is High

 QNI -- Net stations report In. I am reporting into the net. (Follow with a list of traffic or QRU).

 QNJ -- Can you copy me? Can you copy ......?

 QNK -- Transmit message for ..... to .....

 QNL -- Your net frequency is Low.

 QNM -- You are QRMing the net. Stand by.

 QNN -- Net control station is ......... What station is net control?

 QNO -- Station is leaving the net.

 QNP -- Unable to copy you. Unable to copy .....

 QNQ -- Move frequency to .....and wait for .....to finish handling traffic. Then send him traffic for .....

 QNR -- Answer ..... and Receive traffic.

 QNS -- Following Stations are in the net...(Follow with list.) Request list of stations in the net.

 QNT -- I request permission to leave the net for ..... minutes.

 QNU -- The net has traffic for you. Stand by.

 QNV -- Establish contact with ..... on this frequency. If successful, move to .....and send him traffic for ......

 QNW -- How do I route messages for ....?

 QNX -- You are excused from the net. Request to be excused from the net.

 QNY -- Shift to another frequency (or to ....) to clear traffic with .....

 QNZ -- Zero beat your signal with mine.

(Bold face is for use by the Net Control Station)

Notes on Use of QN Signals
The QN signals listed above are special ARRL signals for use in amateur cw nets only. They are not for use in casual amateur conversation. Other meansings that may be used in other services do not apply. Do not use QN signals on phone nets. Say it with words. QN signals need not be followed by a question mark, even though the meaning may be interrogatory.

 (from ARRL Operating Aid)

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Comments and suggestions for this page may be sent to:
Don Felgenhauer K7BFL
Revised August 16, 1996