Thank You
to Don W7WST for taking the Thursday NCS Position. Don is doing a very
good job calling the Net and is not having any problems. We need to get
two more people to help with the Alternate NCS jobs and also we need
people to take the RN7 QNB positions. Any takers please contact W7QM or
really good to hear guy N7YRT taking NCS and RN7 QNB again. Guy is the
Owner Operator of his Cabinet Furniture Shop and it keeps him very
busy. His Shop makes Beautiful Cabinet Furniture and also he has to
deliver and install it so it takes a lot of his time away from his
Amateur Radio. Many thanks to you Guy for taking the time when you can
to help us out on WSN.
Gil W7LG
is the oldest person working on WSN and he does a fabulous job. Gil is
92 years old and will be 93 next month. Gil has also been a Amateur
Radio Operator for more years than I can count and he is always there
to cover his positions when needed. Many thanks Gil for all
you do for WSN and Amateur Radio.
Chris KD7REM
Chris came home from his trip to Mount Rainer he found that his
antennas had been removed by the owner of the building where he lived.
So Chris is not able to handle RN7 QNB for WSN or any other radio work.
Chris is hoping that he can get up a Tower and get back on the air
and N7YRT at the Spokane Hamfest (September 24, 2011)