Winlink 2000 (WL2K)  RMS User Proficiency Measurement

Goal: To increase the number of Winlink Gateways (RMS) that a WL2K user can access.

To have a Successful Connect (in a legal manner) with as many different RMS stations as possible on as many different Bands as possible.

Successful Connect: In a single Connection, Send a message (minimum 2K compressed) from your Winlink email account to your commercial email account AND Receive
a message (minimum 2K compressed) from your commercial email account to your Winlink email account.

1. HF (any protocol, any Band)
2. HF (any protocol, all HF Bands which the RMS scans)
3. VHF/UHF (packet, Direct Connection)
4. VHF/UHF (packet, via a packet Network)

Documentation:  Keep a spreadsheet with the following information:
1. Date
2. Time
3. RMS callsign
4. RMS location (City, State)
5. Band
6. Protocol (pactor 3, ARDOP, etc
7. Notes....Quality of Connection, etc
8.   Group 1: Cumulative number of "RMS successully used
9.   Group 2: Cumulative number of "RMS successully used on all scanned Bands
10. Group 3: Cumulative number of "RMS successully used
11. Group 4: Cumulative number of "RMS successully used
12. Total of Groups 1-4

Reporting:   None required

Awards:  The safisfaction that comes from being able to help others and being "proficient" at a task!

by Don Felgenhauer  K7BFL   December 21, 2018